Website Introduction:Synology NVR provides a full-featured network attached storage (NAS) solution to help you manage, backup and share data among Windows, Mac and Linux easily. keyword:Multitasking,Web Application,Personal Cloud
Website Introduction:pxd : Innovative Design Consulting Group keyword:UX, CX, SX, GUI, Visual Service 디자인 컨설팅, UI 개발, 프론트엔드 개발, pxd 블로그, UX Tech Lab, User 모델링, GUX Design, 블록체인, 웹3, 스마트컨트랙트, block chain, Smart Contract, web3, ux research, global ux research, global ux, user experience, blockchain ux, web3 ux, defi ux, nft, DAO, user research, ux research agency south korea, ux agency south korea, field research south korea, ethnography, mixed method, qualitative research, quantitative research, survey, user interview, home visit, diary study, user modeling, customer journey, user journey, frontend development, ux consulting
Website Introduction:대구혁신도시에 위치한 산업디자인전문인증업체입니다, 웹디자인, 그래픽디자인, 제품디자인등 다양한 디자인 업무를 수행하고 있습니다. keyword:shape, SVG, morphing, web development, web design, javascript