Website Introduction:
Teragon offers LN2 sensors, level transducers, level controllers and complete auto-fill systems. Features include digital displays, alarms, current and voltage outputs, RS232 and transfer hardware. Designed for the user, these level solutions are economical, reliable and easy to install.
Liquid Nitrogen Controller, Controllers
Liquid Nitrogen Sensor, Sensors
Liquid Nitrogen Level Transmitter Transmitters
Liquid Nitrogen Transfer Line Lines
Liquid Nitrogen Transfer Assembly
Capacitive Probe Probes, Detector Detectors, Transducer Transducers
Ln2, ln2, LN2, Transfer Assembly
Liquid Nitrogen Level Controller
Level Alarm, Alarms, Meter, Meters, Gauge, Gauges, Instruments
Level Monitor, Monitors, Digital Output, Digital Display
Fail-Safe, Fail Safe Alarm, RS232, Serial Interface
Current Loop, 4-20ma
Auto-fill, Automatic Fill,
Teragon Research On-Line Catalog
Cryogen, Cryogenic, Cryopreservation, Cryobiology
storage dewar dewars
Products, Sales, Low Cost, Reliable, Economical, User Friendly
VBS Inc., Vacuum Barrier Systems
JC Controls
Johns Cryogenics
Cryomagnetics Inc.
MR Resources
AMI, American Magnetics Inc.
Andonian Cryogenics
Cryofab Inc.
Veeco, Iweco
Southland Cryogenics
Lakeshore Lake Shore Cryotronics
CBS, Custom Biogenic Systems
Scientific Instruments
Kurt J. Lesker
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