Website is a private open-source intelligence
clearinghouse covering computer security, information engagement, and risk management
based in Golf, Illinois. Our analysts have a backround in Risk Assessment, Intelligence,
Information Strategy, C4I, EW, Electronic Commerce, Defensive Information Warfare,
Peacekeeping, Hacking, Counter-Intelligence, Journalism, Surveillance, Counter-Terrorism,
Cryptography, Information Warfare, Information Assurance and Special Operations
keyword:Virtual, Intelligence, Counterintelligence, Information,
Peacekeeping, International, Clearinghouse, Strategy, Infowar, Computer Security, data,
RQ-4A, Information Security, Computer, Security, Firewall, Hackers, hacking, fascinator,
Data mining, Mapping, network, Network Security, Attacks, Analysis, Exploits, Vulnerabilities,
cybercrime, cyberlaw, Assurance, authentication, Axent, Back Orifice, BO2K, Books, Bookstore,
cDc, Information Security Consulting, C2, C3I, C41, C4I, C4I Secure Solutions,,,, C4ISR, Cult Dead Cow, Civil, Compsec, comsec, Computer Security, cracking,
C4ISR, C3CM,, Industrial Espionage, internet security, computer security, Slapper, CCTF,
intrusion detection, information security, hackers, hacking, penetration testing, Grey Fox,
Cyber, cyberterrorism, Cyberwar, Cyber-War, crypto, Defence, Defense, Defensive, Offensive, MQ-1B,
digital signatures, e-commerce, Economic, Economic Espionage, Electronic, EMP, encryption, P2OG,
Espionage, expert witness, expert witnesses, Firewalls, HERF Guns, identification, Industrial,
AFCEA, DCS1000, Industrial Espionage, NACIC, InfoSec, John Boyd, OODA, nimda, Amerithrax, anthrax,, IPOA, MSSMP, MOUT, OOTW, NMCI,, Special Operations, NCIX, Swarming,
jihad, PLA, FBI, Unrestricted Warfare, Al-Qaeda, 1*, AOC, ANSIR, CIAO, CITAC, Cobra, COMINT, COTS,
DIAP, G-2, GCCS, I3, IBDA, IBW, IMINT, INFINT, Info Ops, IWAAS, IW-C2W, IW-O, J-2, J3, J-6,
PDD-63, POTS, PSTN, PSYOPS, PSYW, RADINT, RII, SIGINT, TELINT, C3, SA-7, Dr. Eugene Fubini, Hacker,
Crackers, Virus, Virii, Webpages, DOS, Denial of Service, files, encryption, spoofing, news,
texts, password, port monitors, key logger, phreaking, boxes, RQ-1, IO, C$I, Private Security
Contractors, Private Military Contractors, Private Intelligence, Strela, expert wardialers,
patches, computer warfare, cyberwar, CALOW, crypto, INFOSEC, exploits, exploits, Command, Control,
Communications, Computers, DCS1000, PDD-63, C2, EW 101, Surveillance, fixes, hot fixes, bugs,
ILOVEYOU, cyber-crime, OPLAN 3600, cybercrime, c4iorg, KG-84A, 96B, 98C, 97B, 37F, 38A, 24Z,
24A, 30A, 35D, 35G, 3W, HIPAA, cyber-terrorism, CSIS, Proactive, Preemptive Operations Group,
Preemption, Proaction, Interdiction, Disruption, MQ-9B, destruction, degradation, denial,
disruption, deceit, exploitation, JTF2, Muntada al-Ansar, AL-Jazeera, increased chatter, NIMA,
Counter-Strike, counterstrike, reach back,, deter, detect, defeat,
disinformation, FRL - 86, chmod a+x /bin/laden, DIA, Informaton Operations,
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