Website Introduction:Business problems are hard. To solve them we start with you. Then we design your solution with exactly the right mix of technology. No more. No Less. keyword:
Website Introduction:4.CN is the global and professional marketplace for buying and selling domain names. We have over 1.500.000 domains in our marketplace. Currently we are the leading domain auction platform and domain escrow service provider in China now. keyword:buy domain, sell domain, domain escrow, domain auction, domain brokerage, domain parking, domain appraisal, domain name, domain, domain marketplace, domain escrow service, transfer domain, affiliate program, chinese domain names
Website Introduction:YOC is a mobile adtech company. Founded in 2001, YOC offers VIS.X the programmatic publisher marketplace for high impact advertising products. YOC is listed in the Prime Standard at the Deutsche Börse Stock Exchange and operates offices in Berlin, Dusseldorf, London, Madrid, Vienna and Warsaw. keyword:adtech, YOC, mobile advertisment, programmatic, advertising, publisher marketplace, VIS.X, visx, real-time media,