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Website Introduction:Hi Hon. Imran Khan (PM of Pakistan)  Do you know how much the pain it is to lose the love one?  We Bangladeshis had lost more than 3 million innocent lives during 1971 genocide by Pakistan Army.   This year 2021 is 50 years anniversary of Independent of our beloved country -Bangladesh. Our hearts are still crying by remembering those love one who had lost their lives during 1971.  However, an apol

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Website Introduction:We are a non-profit operating at the intersection of data and sustainability. Our mission is to ‘make data work harder to deliver Net Zero’

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Website Introduction:Jakob Oelkers Software Consulting, Implementation and Maintenance of Software Systems specializing in IOT, AWS Microservices and Wordpres
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【ib3.org】IB3 | Radiotelevisió de les Illes Balears  
Website Introduction:Grup de mitjans de comunicació de titularitat pública de les Balears que impulsa la identitat pròpia de les Illes, la seva cultura i la seva llengua
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